
Hello World

Hi! My name is Benjamin Lin, but I like to just being called Ben. I also like to call myself a pretty spunky kid.
I study Computer Science at the University of Maryland, graduating in May 2022. I like to build nice things.

Snapshot of me (Elevator Pitch)

I fell into CS by accident.

My first semester of College, I took the intro, beginner, welcome to CS class. I thought to myself "This isn't too bad," and took the 2nd CS class the next semester. That semester, I started doing hackathons with friends. I started building my own apps and kept rolling with it! Pretty soon, I had some pretty decent experience on my resume. Since then, I interned at the National Institues of Health (NIH) doing Machine Learning, as well as at Google! I've "developed" abilities in both Front-End and Back-End Dev, as well as some database design. Also experience with Android dev.

I'm most experienced with Java, Javascript, HTML/CSS. I'm not bad with Python either! After working with Android studio for a hackathon, I would prefer not to do anymore Android dev.

Ben Lin's Headshot
Shoot me a message on LinkedIn! :)